Monday, March 22, 2010

Ok so here's the info for the tourney!

Just as a reminder the bottom 4 teams need to show up this week at 8 for your 1-game bowl-off. That is "Pin Pals" "Team Rocket" "10 in the Pitt" and "Children of the Project Mayhem"

So "Pin Pals" will be playing against "10 in the Pitt" and "Team Rocket" will be playing against "Children of the Project Mayhem"

The winners of the above games will be the bottom 2 seeds in the full tournament. If your team loses, we would like to invite you to stay and bowl for the remainder of the evening. You could even play against the other team that loses for fun.

Here are the brackets: (click on the image to make it larger)
If you have any questions feel free to ask! And as I mentioned above, if your team gets knocked out of the tournament we still want you to come for the rest of the tournament to support the other teams. We will let all of you bowl for the entire night (during league hours of course) for the standard league rate ($6 per bowler). They will still be a lot of fun and we will be doing trivia and possibly have another dance competition! These leagues wouldn't happen without you guys, so I hope to see all of you throughout the tournament.

Oh, and trophies will be handed out the week after the finals (this is during finals week I believe) during our normal league time. We'll have open bowling so I hope all of you can make it.

See ya Wednesday!


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